Sunday, August 31, 2008

Breaking : Dear Leader Kim Jong Il Survives US Imperialist Assassination Attempt

Our sources inform us that Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il has just been victim of an attempted US imperialist assassination attempt. Developping.


Brian L. said...

Songun, you're still alive? Manse! ;)

Peter K Fallon, Ph.D. said...

You're still a bonehead.

point5asian said...

did KJI give your olympic "atheletes" the drugs they got caught with? Or did they do that in their own accord? I thought you guys didn't have problems up there in the gulag you call home.

But on a serious note, my poop does look like Kim Jong Il....a fat stinking pile of shit

greenalien said...

Three times MANSE for our glorious leader and his fearless flag-bearer, the Songun Blog!

Margo's Maid said...

Songun, we need your wisdom now more than ever to fight the imperialists. Tell us more of this story!

deggrht said...

It was due to his brilliance and strength that Dear Leader easily averted this attempt.

Zacarías Zuax said...

Come penes, desgraciado.

Fred said...

people in north korea have no internet access

Margo's Maid said...

Ha Mr Fred

I am from North Korea, and I am surfing the internets all days and all nights!

We are loving the internets and when we are not on the internets we are eating banquets of food. If not for internets, we would all get too fat with all food lying around!

El profeta Azul said...

Nice blog, good luck, FUCK USA!

comrade_tovarich said...

Comrade Songun,

The Dear Leader is indeed still alive. He has been photographed in NYC, an a hill called XP, and in other places.

comrade_tovarich said...

Comrade Fred,

No internet in the DPRK is a lie. People use it all the time, but they know the outside world is inferior and thus do not bother to taint their minds with your bourgeouis capitalist running-dog ideology -called popular culture. Is it popular in the DPRK? Of course not! Then it cannot be popular.

How can you imagine that a worker's utopia doesn't provide true equality? It has Internet for everyone, juche for everyone, edible grass for eveyone, reeducation camps for everyone, and a Dear Leader who makes sure everyone gets it, hard, fast, and permanently.

You are well-intentioned, Comrade Fred, but you have much to learn.

Unknown said...

i guess this story didnt develop
much like those pics of your "precious leader" with his shadow different from everyone elses pic

you are seriously warped in your thinking
your version of history is stupefying

and your "leader" is dead and growing mold lol

Vincent McNabb said...

I sincerely hope that you kill yourself before you become even more illusioned by your fantasies.

Milton said...

I still think this blog is a parody.

Imma said...

you're just pathetic. if u ever bothered to observe the rest of the world in an unbiased manner u would never set up blogs such as these.
but as things stand, you've your head stuck up your "great" leader's backside.

Ubin said...

Dear Leader retaliated gloriously by sending an agent with a shoe!!! Praise Songun Juche revolutionary military tactics!!!

Peter K Fallon, Ph.D. said...


andywade said...

Please post soon, the Glorious People of the world need to know what the great world leader, Kim Jong Il has to say about the more recent events concerning lickspittle lapdogs of the borgousie. We have a right to know!

A SImple Man said...

justin said...
i guess this story didnt develop
much like those pics of your "precious leader" with his shadow different from everyone elses pic

Comrade justin, every correct thinking humankind person of the KOREAN SOCIALIST TYPE knows that Dear Leader is the SUN and therefore casts no shadow, only beautiful light.

A SImple Man said...

I have posted the proof that puts the lie to the criminal justins insane rantings.

Songun=crapola said...

So this is what you come up with? Kim Jong il experiencing an assassination attempt? First of all, if there actually was an assassination attempt on Kim Jong il, he would be dead, Korea would be united and a free and democratic society, and all the starving North Korean children would finally have some fucking food to eat. Your 1,000,000 strong Army could not take on the combined forces of South Korea and the U.S. Your army is comprised of aging Chinese and Soviet equipment. North Korea is living on borrowed time.

Trenton Powers-Mellencamp said...

Dr. Fallon, that looks like a serious sunburn you have there (in your profile photo). You should get it looked at.

I hope your ok.

212Austin212 said...

Democratic : No, there is no voting.
Peoples : No, serves the ruling class.
Republic : No, when power is handed from father to son that is a monarchy.
Korean : Yes, well you got one out of four.

Glorious Leader : No, it should be King Kim, leader of the Kingdom of North Korea. (assuming he is still alive or in power ... I guess in that case you can praise King Kim The Third?)

A SImple Man said...

Comrade Dr. Fallon is sunburned because he basks if the billiant light that is cast by Dear Leader.

Banner of Songun said...

Greeting from a fellow progressive friend of the DPRK.

Unfortunately this blog, that although mixed in its quality, always demonstrated a commitment to Sacred Songun politics and Juche Science, is no longer active.

However I have begun a new blog to expose the lies told about the DPRK by imperialist running dog war criminal reprobates such as the reactionary Hillary Clinton.

I urge all progressively minded people of the world to unite behind this new Pro-DPRK blog where there will be an open discussion of Songun, Juche, Kim Jong Il and new exciting developments in the rise of Kim Jong-un. At this moment the DPRK is at a cross roads and the neo-con war crazed neo-cons of America foam at the mouth with the false idea of "regime change" in the DPRK as such it is more important than ever for world progressives to stand together against US imperialism and with our comrades in the DPRK.