Wednesday, June 15, 2005

US Imperialists Attempts At Stifling DPRK Is A Wild Dream

The attempted murder of Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il the brilliant statesman, political genius, invincible strategist and immortal Sun of the Korean people shows to what lengths of despicable villainy the US imperialists will go in order to stifle the Juche-centered Korean-style socialist society freely chosen by the Korean people in single-minded unity to build a bright great powerful prosperous country to live happily in, but the US imperialists vessel of imperialism is sunk by the invincible steel-strong iceberg of the Korean people's revolutionary collectivist ideology and rock-hard firm belief in the Dear Leader and his Songun politics, reports the Korean Central News Agency :

Fuller Play to Collectivism Called for

Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- All the servicepersons and people should regard collectivism as their view on life and fully display it. Herein lie the undisputed advantages and tremendous vitality of Korean-style socialism. Rodong Sinmun Monday says this in a by-lined article. It goes on:

A socialist society is based on collectivism. The lesson taught by history tells that socialism not depending on the revolutionary people armed with collectivism is bound to collapse in face of the anti-socialist offensive of the imperialists and reactionaries.

The servicepersons and people's noble view of life based on collectivism finds a vivid manifestation in defending leader Kim Jong Il at the risk of their lives.

Underlying the spirit of devotedly defending the leader and carrying out the tasks set forth by him in a do-or-die spirit fully displayed by the servicepersons and people is the noble view on life based on collectivism.

The U.S. imperialists are employing all sorts of despicable methods to undermine the single-minded unity of our servicepersons and people around the headquarters of the revolution but this is a wild dream. This unbreakable unity will always demonstrate its tremendous might as they throw in their lot with the headquarters of the revolution and find the greatest worth and happiness of living in protecting the leader at the cost of their lives and implementing the tasks given by him in a do-or-die spirit.

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