Friday, June 10, 2005

Dear Leader Defending The Country

Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il, the brilliant statesman, political genius, and invincible military commander, takes the defense of the Korean Fatherland well at heart, spending many hours of his precious time in turning the DPRK into an impregnable fortress of bristling bayonets in defense of the Juche-based society of Korean-style socialism :

Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il inspects a command post of Unit 992

KPA Unit 992 Inspected

Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, inspected the KPA Unit 992.

Going up to the forward command post, he acquainted himself with the topographical features and troop deployment before being reported about the situation by the commander of the unit. He expressed satisfaction over the fact that the unit has built its defence area impregnably and has been performing their military duty creditably. He specified important tasks to be tackled in upgrading in every way the combat capabilities of the unit and making the defence area impregnable.

He added that the country has been turned into an impregnable fortress as the servicemen are standing strict guard over the defence line of the country, full of determination to share the destiny with the Party and follow the road of revolution to the end.

He saw the commanding officers training themselves in the military science lecture hall. He spoke highly of the fact that the unit is developing all the commanding officers into competent commanders with operations and combat abilities to fulfil any difficult combat task in a modern war. He emphasized that all the commanding officers should be possessed of the commanding capability as required by the modern warfare by establishing a thorough-going habit of training.

He made the rounds of the soldiers' hall, library and other facilities for ideological education and cultural activities to become familiar with the state of political work for the servicemen. He urged the commanding officers of the unit to establish the revolutionary habit of reading within the unit and encourage the servicemen to read many more books including must books for soldiers so as to arm them more firmly with the revolutionary idea of the Party and steadily increase their cultural attainments.

He went on to say that the Korean People's Army has created a praiseworthy culture in the Songun era and that this is the lofty fruition of the spiritual strength of the People's Army that leads the era and the revolution.

Looking round the logistic facilities of the unit, he lavished praises on the commanding officers for elaborately setting up logistic facilities for the conveniences of the soldiers' living and spoke highly of officers and their family members for their devotion to the sub-unit soldiers on "days for soldiers".

He said the unit has done a lot of things in the past for the strengthening of the combat capabilities and the management of the unit and highly appreciated the commanding officers and men of the unit for the meritorious conduct of loyally supporting the Party's Songun politics in single-hearted unity.

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