Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Songun Forum Is Here

All praise be sent to Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il the brilliant statesman, political genius, prodigious humanist, and invincible military commander, the Immortal Sun of Juche and Lodestar of the 21st century because under his wise guidance that is the inspiration for the Korean people and all world progressives, there is now a new venue for world progressives of all walks of life and social standings to exchange and share their esteem, admiration, loyalty, and devotion to Him as well as to castigate bitterly the criminal US imperialist arrogant challengers as the worst war criminals in humankind history since now the Songun Forum is now open for all world progressives to join and talk in the correct socialist way about all the beautiful pure pristine perfection of the People's Paradise.

"Let us all join the Songun Forum and deal a fatal blow to the criminal US imperialist Bush, his henchmen, hirelings, and servants with the power of man-centered Juche-based Korean-style single-minded unity for the Songun politics of Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il the brilliant statesman, political genius, prodigious humanist, and invincible Mt. Paektu-type general sent by Heaven and born on the Sacred Mountain, all together building the different perfect world in a good proper socialist comradely fashion like the Revolutionary Martyr Heroes of the Fatherland Liberation War following the path set forth by Great Leader Marshal Kim Il Sung and animated with the spirit of the historical Chollima Movement!"

Click image to join the Songun Forum
Click image to join


Anonymous said...

With foaming joy I seize this opportunity! Let us unite our throbbing hearts in one effulgent paean to the loadstar!

Anonymous said...

congratulation for opening SONGUN FORUM.

D'Wayne 'Red' Mendoza said...

Oh man my heart is totaly throbing! Where can I join this foruM?

Banner Of Songun said...

Right here, Comrade Dean04prez.

Anonymous said...

I want to join the Songun forum, but I'm afraid the Ashcroft fascist brigades will knock on my door in the middle of the night and haul me off to Gitmo.

Anonymous said...

Pull yourself together Oppressed Progressive! Join at once and in your dying breath spit in their bloodshot imperialist eyes!