More US imperialists war crimes in Iraq. Will the US imperialists' orgiac debauchery of blood and lust ever cease?
A US imperialist aggressor so called "sniper" when not deliberately shooting Iraqi children in hospitals, uses his scope to peek on Iraqi women in the dressing rooms :

A US imperialist warmonger lords it over a poor Iraqi vendor, robbing ice cream cones at gunpoint, making his life miserable :

A US imperialist blood-thirsty mercenary so called "Private Military Contractor" in a cruel display of colonialism, leans an imperialist ladder up on an oppressed Iraqi wall :

A US imperialist baby-killing militarist tank destroys an Iraqi home, killing a whole family of infant babies and dozens of puppies under the rubble :

British lackeys of the US imperialist Halliburton murderers redraw the map of the Iraqi people's country at will, doing the insane bidding of the criminal Bush clique of war-crazed cowboys :

The US imperialists lord it over even their puppet military dictatorship regime allies making them second-class citizens in their own country; placing their aggressive capitalist flag above that of the Iraqis :
A US imperialist aggressor so called "sniper" when not deliberately shooting Iraqi children in hospitals, uses his scope to peek on Iraqi women in the dressing rooms :

A US imperialist warmonger lords it over a poor Iraqi vendor, robbing ice cream cones at gunpoint, making his life miserable :

A US imperialist blood-thirsty mercenary so called "Private Military Contractor" in a cruel display of colonialism, leans an imperialist ladder up on an oppressed Iraqi wall :

A US imperialist baby-killing militarist tank destroys an Iraqi home, killing a whole family of infant babies and dozens of puppies under the rubble :

British lackeys of the US imperialist Halliburton murderers redraw the map of the Iraqi people's country at will, doing the insane bidding of the criminal Bush clique of war-crazed cowboys :

The US imperialists lord it over even their puppet military dictatorship regime allies making them second-class citizens in their own country; placing their aggressive capitalist flag above that of the Iraqis :

It's terrible what we in the US military do. Just awful! Thanks for getting the truth out there, Dear Comrade. I'd hate to have to view more pictures of these evil imperialist atrocities (like stealing Iraqi snow cones and smiling about it). Thanks to you and fine news outlets like Newsweek, we can finally tell the truth to the world!
Thank you for your support Mr Rob. Together we, the world's true Progressives, will defeat US imperialism in defense of Korean-style socialism under the banner of Songun politics.
Really i dont care what the coalition nations do in iraq, i beleive that if ur strong then u have the right to rule. By the way your pics of US troops supposebly doing crimes are shit. They could be anything like the one with a m21 sniper could have just been scanning for targets and and the one of the warrior fighting vehicle just as well could be driving over rubble and im sure ur great leader Generalissimo Kim Jong Il would do the same war crimes if people opposed him. People need war your leader is just to weak to fight for himself.
Your beleive will be crushed just like every other thing the the coalition has crushed
also ur US imperialist baby-killing militarist tank is actually a British warrior fighting vehicle and its not classified a tank and that building must have been knocked down already cus only a challenger 2 could knock dat down
Hey you must be stupider than you sound, some of these pics are simply absurd and pathetic, for example, the Warrior IFV is running through A WALL..., are you even in iraq to know what these pics are? no you arent or you'd have enough respect to atleast tell Some truth, Im not afriad to say some day some guy like me is gonna put a bullet through your head when we invade your pityful little Communist paradise in north korea, hey if im lucky Ill be that guy...
what the hell man.
Your site is absolutely hilarious!!! Keep up the good work comrade!!! I nearly bust a gut laughing. It's a pity your average visitor has the IQ of a dead sea cucumber and can't begin to understand what the word 'parody' means.
fuck you! ill kill you!
oh my bad didnt know that would post
that was great to bad more of the people reading this don't understand a little satire!
Careful what you say about the capitalist oppressors I heard that at night they remove their skin and reveal their true forms as well as feast on babies and puppies.
Nice site! keep up the good work comrade one day our top-o-Dong will not be so flaccid and on that day we will love the world long time.
Peter puffing pansie Commie douche bags. Guess what? Noone gives two shits what you think. Pissheaded morons. I know I'd love to gut shoot you all, and make bets on how long it takes you to die.
I hope your not an american---or you should swing from a tree--are fucking mental!!
RU South Korean or North? Either way I guess it doesnt matter--if your North your life sucks and you probably dont even know it and if your south your life would really suck if it wasnt for the US--good luck either way you fucking idiot
Very interesting, at least Quebec is in worse shape than NK...
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
keep the BIG lie alive
communism is the BEST
thievery by the state
I disagree strongly with a lot of your comments on those photos, most obviously the photos of the so called "Tank" and the "British Lackeys". That so called "tank" is merely an APC, no capable of taking down a wall, which obviously has been destroyed long before the vehicle arrived.
And the British? We were only in partolling in a small region in Iraq, namely Basra, providing security to the local people. But now the so-called "terrorists" are easing off their attacks, local forces are taking over.
And in any case, our British Forces would not redraw the map, as the borders have stayed the same!
Those are not even close to true!!!
I spent 3 and a half years working with US.Army as an interpreter in the most dangerous conditions but we never meant to hurt any civilian not at all! those are all lies maybe accidentally happens but we never meant to do anything to hurt civilians because there was no reason to do that! so people do me a favor don't believe those rumors I'm telling you the truth I was very close to them during the operations so trust me I won't lie to you...
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