Tuesday, May 24, 2005

DPRK : A Cradle Of Joy And Hope

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, under its dynamic Juche Idea of the Great Leader Comrade Eternal President Kim Il Sung and the invincible Songun politics of the Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il has achieved the impossible human dream of an utopian society that is a true worker's paradise. Many of the world's true progressives realize this and harbor nothing but the deepest respect, greatest esteem, and profoundest admiration for the Juche-based society of the DPRK's Korean-style socialism.

Those progressives are in fact so impressed with the great human achievements of the Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il and his Songun politics that they even write books about it, not hesitating for one fraction of a second to label the DPRK a Cradle of Joy And Hope.

This is KOREA - CRADLE OF JOY AND HOPE, a 104 page softcover (7 pages of color pictures) book published by the comrades at the Foreign Languages Publishing house in Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

The author, Abul Malik, a native of Pakistan waxes eloquently about his love for the Korean Nation, history, and culture and describes the magnificent advances and achievements accomplished by the North Korean nation since liberation from the Japanese in 1945. Black and white pictures appear throughout the book.

Book dimensions are 7.3" x 4.5" (or 18.5cm x 11.5cm)

You can buy this book on eBay at North Korea Imports and progress along in your journey towards true socialist enlightenment.

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