This make me sad and cry. I hate Bush :( I hope he fall down a stair and fold his face.
- Kim Jong Seok
Single-mindedly united as one under the Banner of Songun held aloft by the Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il, brilliant statesman, political genius, and invincible military commander
I hope Bush will bepunished for this!
You guys are idiots.
Oh..and, Long live glorious sheep fucker!
I have the address of a Mental Health Ward if u would like some help.
Nice flag on his arm it almost looks real, lol...
Better luck next time when you try to PhotoShop.
Hey moron, that is a Canadian soldier that had an American flag photoshopped on. Nice try.
All hail to O Big Wan, the greatest photoshopper of the world.
Can you teach me those uber leet 1337 skills to photoshop?
You idiots need a hobby!!
OH NOES! Bush is stealin teh wallz an roofz of p00r sch00l childs! OMG!!!!111oneone!eleven11 LOL
Actually, Bush doesnt steal any walls or roofs, the American people pay millions and millons of dollars for buildings to be built in Iraq. Its quite the opposite.
Thats what you get for drawing funny cartoons about the profet in class, no more walls for you!
And look at those walls in the background of the picture, that evil imperialist soldier is just about to steal them. And in those buildings are probably Iraqi slaves who have to sew American patches to Canadian uniforms! Hail to the Deer Leader!
Don't tell them about the iraqi slaves, im next in line for a nice Canadian uniform with an American patch.
The Horror, aaaah The Pain
Judging from the faces of the kids they actually enjoy being robbed of their walls by Canadians pretending to be Yankees flashing the infidel imperialist "thumbs up"!
Teh Horror...
I dig the photo shopped American flag on that soldier, more Islamic lies to fuel the cartoon fervor across the globe, brilliant. You Axis-of-Evil fuckers are on the chopping block, run and hide commies and jihadists, your walls and roofs are next to be taken.
Kim Jong Seok
Do you hate Capitalism and America? Well just remember while you're starving next to your photo of Kim Jong Il in your unheated mudhut tonight. know that most Americans will sit down to a nice hot meal, and reside by the fire place and watch 200 television channels of useless programming. Then tomorrow its back to the fields for your "re-education".
you're a fucking idiot, have the best day ever.
Kim Jong Il on deez nutz bitch. you damn sandle wearing golf fish tender. Kim Jong Il eats his own feces, it's a north korean tradition. Anyone else notice North Koreans look like starved cats? skinny heads with big eyes..they got the body of stick people.
Sick imperialist bastards. There's no end to the atrocities committed by these capitalist devils - only General Kim Jong Il's total victory will teach them a lesson.
You are gay!!
You're a fag.
to hell bush, fuck your self..
Kim Jong Il has anal warts. I should know because I gave it to him.
"I dig the photo shopped American flag on that soldier, more Islamic lies to fuel the cartoon fervor across the globe, brilliant. You Axis-of-Evil fuckers are on the chopping block, run and hide commies and jihadists, your walls and roofs are next to be taken."
I dig the photo shopped American flag on that soldier, more Islamic lies to fuel the cartoon fervor across the globe, brilliant. You Axis-of-Evil fuckers are on the chopping block, run and hide commies and jihadists, your walls and roofs are next to be taken.
I dig the photo shopped American flag on that soldier, more Islamic lies to fuel the cartoon fervor across the globe, brilliant. You Axis-of-Evil fuckers are on the chopping block, run and hide commies and jihadists, your walls and roofs are next to be taken.
I dig the photo shopped American flag on that soldier, more Islamic lies to fuel the cartoon fervor across the globe, brilliant. You Axis-of-Evil fuckers are on the chopping block, run and hide commies and jihadists, your walls and roofs are next to be taken.
Oh man, that is soooo offensive. I should start my own jihad just like all those stupid middle eastern extremeists out there becaucse of them. Not, we are civillized. Let them kill off their own people. But when they touch me and my country, there will be hell reigning down on their sorry excuses for stick figures.
Teh [M] owns you commie asshats.
STM sucked my dick
"Teh [M] owns you commie asshats."
rofl, long live the [H] !!!!!
[M] > [H] > Kim Small-Dong Ill
Durka Durka JIHAD!!!
lol, engrish
I lauf at you iraq niggers... lolz teh [M] fer teh win BITCHES>
Goerge Bush hates Silly Sand niggers
"Single-mindedly united as one under the Banner of Songun held aloft by the Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il, brilliant statesman, political genius, and invincible military commander"
There isnt any evidence to support these claims. If you consider murdering N.Koreans as being a brilliant statesman, political genius, and invincible military commander, then you're as nuts as ol' Kim himself.
BTW, whats with his homosexual khaki suit and crazy hair?
Uhh...that's a canadian soldier.
hihi, god bless
Ya should have left the CANADIAN flag on our soldiers arm asshole.
Fuck you Banner of Songun.
I hate yankee pirate Bush criminal running dog. Bush took all the trees and green grass from Iraq and turn Iraq into desolate desert with only flies, spiders, and oil.
Damn you Bush.
Dear Leader please help Iraq return to its former glory as a verdant, forested, workers paradise.
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