It make me sad and cry because I love the cats very very much because they have soft fur and make purr sound when I hug them. Now the poor cats can no longer purr to be happy. Bush is terrible monster who make lives of world progressive cats miserable.
I hate Bush and hope a block of ice fall on his foot and break his big nose :(
- Kim Jong Seok
You got us mixed up with the mexicans we don't eat cats. But then again since you don't have food in North Korea maybe you eat them?
My cat's name is "mittens"
God damn, you guys are idiots. Those are naturally hairless cats, and I am beginning to think that you are naturally moronic. Maybe after you get out of your country, visit a McDonalds or too, then you will understand the truth of the world... that your leadership is fubar'd.
Ah yes, "visit a McDonalds", the picayune yankee answer to everything; a slab of spongiform bovine brain tissue betwix prechewed pap and vinagery "pickles".
Rail against the world, you besotted waddling oafs - your outsized "sneakers" are already damp in the crisp, salt foam of the encroaching tide of history! The breakers are rising beyond the horizon - take one last gulp of kool-ade before you're swept away!
Lord Pleasant....what do you know about McDonalds, Sneakers and everything else in the world? Whats up? Not from N. Korea? Just fronting like you are? As far as the cats go....all the North Koreans listen up please....
Do a search on the Sphynx cat. They are HAIRLESS cats. I am sure you will come back w/ some crap that will make Kim Jong Il proud.....fuck Kim Jong Il!
I have to say I LOVE your site. You are very funny. I bet you love cats. You love them in soup, stir-fry, and on a bed of rice, right?
The whole cat-fur stealing thing is a menace to American society. Even the mafia is involved in stealing cat fur for huge profit. If I knew what they did with the cat fur once they took it off the cat to get such profits, I would get into it myself.
Please, stop your foolish propoganda aginst the west.
I'm really sorry for the north korean people - so mind blinded and druged with lies ....
Do some kind of a revolution and take your leader down - DOWN !!!!
He is bad to you - he is not talking to you and you dont know anithing about him but still you love him - it creeps me out.
I wish one day you will understand how misarable you really are.
These cats are plucked and ready for Dubya to eat. He need only pin back their ears and butter their heads before swallowing them whole, like the snake he is. We will all soon be eating cats like the North Koreans have always done. Bird and swine flu has left us no other choice and we right wing fascists must have meat!!! Here Kitty, Kitty.
Oh dear! Another boogie-man propaganda tactic. Of course "Dear Leader" doesn't want the people to be educated. Then they would know that there REALLY are cats out there in the world with no hair. And many other marvelous and magic delights to experience.
The comments are the funniest part of your blog. You are great! I was born and lived under another Great Leader (Ceausescu), and I greatly enjoy your use of language and sarcasm. I am really amused by how unprepared the American public is to understand your hilarious irony.
Your videos are an absolute delight.
Dear Leader presents morning snacks to glorious students of man based Korean style Juche.
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