That's how Bush make one million capitalist dollars every year. I hate capitalist system of robbering little girls and I hate Bush. One day world progressive people will rise up and fold his face.
- Kim Jong Seok
Single-mindedly united as one under the Banner of Songun held aloft by the Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il, brilliant statesman, political genius, and invincible military commander
The children of Korea face no such perils, for the Dear Leader ensures their lives are richly abounding in gifts and merry jollities! Let us resolve to make world nice for kiddies by transforming so called "United State of America" into bubbling sea of fire!
IF they were CIA, they wouldn't write that on their uniforms! THEY Also wouldn't put the flag on their shoulder. Whats the point of wearing all that gear to hide what you look like and then put US markings all over it? If you are going to make up stories and mess w/ the pictures they are associated w/ then DO IT RIGHT! FUCKING RETARDS!!
It's the well known secret CIA technique "Double Bluff" of "Hiding In Plain View". But world progressives cannot be fooled by such petty transparent ruse.
The horrors of the imperialists and the stupidity of their canine supporters such as "kim jong il is gay".
North Korean photo shop skills are just horrible. What do you use? Microsoft Paint? HAHAHAHA
Good photoshop job. love the "cia" printed on the uniforms... my baby sister could do a better job and she's 4..
You've GOT to be kidding! The CIA don't wear jackets that say 'CIA' on them. Nice work knucklehead
Kim Jong Il is gay....he sucks donkey dicks!!
They're writing a ticket for that poor little Iraqi girl! Probably loitering, or something stupid.
I laughed and laughed at this. That is until I realized how SAD it actually is. How can you allow this disgusting brain washing? Children must have mind-boggling nightmares because of their "Dear Leader" and his boogie man propaganda tactics!
that sure is a nice part of Iraq.....
It must be the only building in Iraq to have the name of the store written in Cyrillic letters instead of Arabic. This post really is a totally pissweak effort - it's so obvious that they are somewhere in Russia that even Kim Jong Il's maggot-ridden rotting corpse would be able to see it.
Why Polish CT have US flag and CIA on the vest? THEY ARE POLISH S.P.A.P. (Specjalny PododdziaĆ Antyterrorystyczny Policji) NOT THE CIA YOU FUCKIN MORON!!!!!!!!!
This is Poland, and they are collecting money for sick and poor children, they are no cyrylic letters, its Roman alphabet! Theres "Biblioteka" sign, what means "Library" and those CT guys are collecting money for charity, coz they are good people... Besides, CIA are fuckin awesome and kim jong ill is a fuckin biatch... Iraq, lol xD
Banner Of Songun- you are the biggest idiot I've ever met
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