Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Great Leader Speaks

Great Leader Eternal President Kim Il Sung

"If a man does not read the books he wants to because he has been prohibited from doing so, how can he undertake a great cause? We should read books that teach us the truth."

--President Kim Il Sung, With The Century


A SImple Man said...

Jeju-do will read them, but only in mandarin chinese. I quote him now "We can switch to Chinese any day". What more can I say. His only coherent statment in days is that he wants to speak a language other than his own mother tounge, and choses an imperialist language to do it. He dishonors the korean nation and people. Shame on you Jeju-do. I have a picture of you and I have folded it across the face.

D. A. Shaw said...

its with posts like these that I'm going to have fun with!

Maybe if Kim allowed freedom of speech people would "read books that teach us the truth".

Hows that for starters?

A SImple Man said...

We are friendly with the workers of china and their party. Unfortunatly China has an Imperial history as well and it is known to all. It was the workers who put and end to imperialism in china with the help of Dear Leader.

D. A. Shaw said...

my understanding was that there was a civil war after the Empire fell, because China was a republic during the second world war.

point5asian said...

Its amazing that when KIS was around, you guys said he did all these wonderful things. Now that KJI is in power, you guys claim he did all the wonderful things. Whats next? When he dies, will you guys claim that his successor was actually the one that did the great works?