Single-mindedly united as one under the Banner of Songun held aloft by the Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il, brilliant statesman, political genius, and invincible military commander
Friday, March 17, 2006
Amerikkka Revealing Its True Colors
The real face of the Amerikkkan so called "people".
You are so stupid. The people who did this during the late 30's and early 40's were people of German descent. Hitler called on all people w/ the German blood to join the National Socialism cause. They rallied in the US and all over the world. Why would the US let this happen? It is called Freedom. There is nothing wrong w/ joining a club you believe in and when this picture came out, I doubt we all knew about all the people the Nazi's killed. Remember that the US and the rest of the world came to the aid of those being killed by the Nazi's and th e Japanese. Kim Il Sung didn't kick the Japs out, the US, England and Russians did. SO FUCK OFF!
Who was fighting the Japanese during World War 2? It wasn't just the USofA. The British Navy was there fighting the Japanese, the Australians, etc....the list goes on and on. That is why they called it a WORLD WAR! I am Dodger Blue all the way but just because the Brits didn't actually land on the Korean peninsula they did blast away at their ablility to wage war by destroying their navy and cutting supply lines that help keep wars going. Which means....they actually did have a hand in getting the Japanese out of Korea. Ever hear of things happenin in the background?
Don't get tough w/ the questions...if you have one...just ask it. Dn't flip...just relax...mother fucker!
The American and British so-called contribution to the war effort paled in comparison to the efforts of North Korea, led by Kim Jong il. The so-called Doomsday landing in Omaha was on the verge of a well-deserved failure before the North Korean army intervened, sparing the American and British fascists an ignominious defeat at the hands of their rivals for world domination, the so-called Nazis. Try to show some appreciation instead of whining and bitching all the time.
Wow! All I have to say is WOW! I would love to get a hold of a N. Korean history book. They must have a lot of great stories. If I am reading your writing correctly, then I am assuming that the N. Koreans were present at Omaha to save the lives of countless troops that fought for the US and England. I am also assuming that since you wrote that the N. Korean army (lead by Kim Jong Il, by the way who would have been 2 years old) was there to intervene, they not only destoyed the entire Japanese army but also punk'd the Nazi's too? Wow! You are so right. That has to be the truth. You have opened my eyes to the truth and now I feel so free! How can I ever repay you for your gift of truth?
You are a fucking tool! Whining and bitching? The only people who are whining and bitching are all thos starving fuckers in the "progressive" nation. If the N. Korean army was there (can't say cause I wasn't) how the hell did the N. Korean army take orders from KimJongIl (again, Who was only 2 at the time). Have you ever met a two year old that can do all that? Do you just believe all the shit they push down your throat? Are you really from N. Korea...probably not! Are you a fag...yes! Are you just writing shit down to get attention...yes! Am I going to bother coming back to this particular posting to see if you wrote a I know you want to write some shit but dude...I am not going to read it.
Just understand that KimJongIl (like his father) SUCKS ON DONKEY DICKS!
Fuck you, fuck your mom, fuck your dad, and fuck Kim Jong Il.
I agree with the post above me, fuck you, your mother... ohh wait Kim Jong Il already did! thats why your just as brain dead as him, I bet you wanna get fucked by him to, I also bet your a man
It is amazing what you find on Blogger when you search for information about patriotisism and flags. This is definitely an area where people have strong opinions. There should be a picture of the Blogger icon in the dictionary next to "free speach". --Enjoyed your post....flag of the united states
You are so stupid. The people who did this during the late 30's and early 40's were people of German descent. Hitler called on all people w/ the German blood to join the National Socialism cause. They rallied in the US and all over the world. Why would the US let this happen? It is called Freedom. There is nothing wrong w/ joining a club you believe in and when this picture came out, I doubt we all knew about all the people the Nazi's killed. Remember that the US and the rest of the world came to the aid of those being killed by the Nazi's and th e Japanese. Kim Il Sung didn't kick the Japs out, the US, England and Russians did. SO FUCK OFF!
What the hell did the god damn British do to kick the Japanese out???
Who was fighting the Japanese during World War 2? It wasn't just the USofA. The British Navy was there fighting the Japanese, the Australians, etc....the list goes on and on. That is why they called it a WORLD WAR! I am Dodger Blue all the way but just because the Brits didn't actually land on the Korean peninsula they did blast away at their ablility to wage war by destroying their navy and cutting supply lines that help keep wars going. Which means....they actually did have a hand in getting the Japanese out of Korea. Ever hear of things happenin in the background?
Don't get tough w/ the questions...if you have one...just ask it. Dn't flip...just relax...mother fucker!
British fought in Burma and other coastal countries of South-East Asia which were occupied by Japan.
The American and British so-called contribution to the war effort paled in comparison to the efforts of North Korea, led by Kim Jong il. The so-called Doomsday landing in Omaha was on the verge of a well-deserved failure before the North Korean army intervened, sparing the American and British fascists an ignominious defeat at the hands of their rivals for world domination, the so-called Nazis. Try to show some appreciation instead of whining and bitching all the time.
Sungun warrior!.
Wow! All I have to say is WOW! I would love to get a hold of a N. Korean history book. They must have a lot of great stories. If I am reading your writing correctly, then I am assuming that the N. Koreans were present at Omaha to save the lives of countless troops that fought for the US and England. I am also assuming that since you wrote that the N. Korean army (lead by Kim Jong Il, by the way who would have been 2 years old) was there to intervene, they not only destoyed the entire Japanese army but also punk'd the Nazi's too? Wow! You are so right. That has to be the truth. You have opened my eyes to the truth and now I feel so free! How can I ever repay you for your gift of truth?
You are a fucking tool! Whining and bitching? The only people who are whining and bitching are all thos starving fuckers in the "progressive" nation. If the N. Korean army was there (can't say cause I wasn't) how the hell did the N. Korean army take orders from KimJongIl (again, Who was only 2 at the time). Have you ever met a two year old that can do all that? Do you just believe all the shit they push down your throat? Are you really from N. Korea...probably not! Are you a fag...yes! Are you just writing shit down to get attention...yes! Am I going to bother coming back to this particular posting to see if you wrote a I know you want to write some shit but dude...I am not going to read it.
Just understand that KimJongIl (like his father) SUCKS ON DONKEY DICKS!
Fuck you, fuck your mom, fuck your dad, and fuck Kim Jong Il.
I agree with the post above me, fuck you, your mother... ohh wait Kim Jong Il already did! thats why your just as brain dead as him, I bet you wanna get fucked by him to, I also bet your a man
It is amazing what you find on Blogger when you search for information about patriotisism and flags. This is definitely an area where people have strong opinions. There should be a picture of the Blogger icon in the dictionary next to "free speach".
--Enjoyed your post....flag of the united states
commie pinko bastard!!! go eat grass noodles with your beloved great leader!!
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