Single-mindedly united as one under the Banner of Songun held aloft by the Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il, brilliant statesman, political genius, and invincible military commander
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
True Face Of "America"
A nation of racist slave traders.
DPRK soldiers stole humanitary food from the trains
True face of America? Really? Just to let you fags know, they took this picture at a Civil War Reenactment. This means they were acting like the soldiers from the past to reteach the lessons that history told us. See...we try to learn from our past...not cry about it everytime we get a chance like you fags do.
....oh...poor me...we got our asses kicked again...oh.....poor me. The whole world is against me because I am Korean. My government lies to us and we are going to believe it cause we are STUPID FUCKS!
jeju-do wrote: "Back to the quote, Hero of Mt. Paetku states that socialism takes away your thinking and vital senses. North Korea is a socialist country so therefore by what Hero of Mt. Paetku says, North Koreans had their thinking and vital senses taken away."
I never made this statement. Yet again we have retrograde surrender monkey bush puppets misquoting DPRK patriots and this after a rash of identity theft. This shows us how strong our stand is when such reactionary tactics are undertaken by the mentaly feeble. Yet another victory comrades for Juche science and Songun politics!
Funny how you call America "racist" when you previously refered to as Jews as "filthy." Calling all the practitioners of a certain religion is just as bad as putting people into slavery due to race.
Slavery isn't something that America is proud of. America is not a nation of "racist slave traders." Hell, at least in America, people are allowed to hold those kind of views. In North Korea, anyone who disagrees with Kim Jong dies. That is a violation of human rights, and it is WRONG.
It must suck always contradicting yourself. This is due to you speaking w/out thinking. Why do you let KimJongIl and the ruling regime tell you what to think and how to act? There is that one thing called: Freewill
Hero of Mt. Paektu does not contradict himself and again Jejo-do seems to atribute another patriots quote as mine. I therefore am unable to enter into debate with him.
You are insane, you atribute to me things I did not say, then declare victory. jeju-do wrote: "Back to the quote, Hero of Mt. Paetku states that socialism takes away your thinking and vital senses." Again, and for the last I NEVER SAID THIS. clearly jap loving has taken away your vityal senses and thinking. Now you can quote me you ass.
A) the reference was to fascists you reactionary tool. B) I said nothing about eyes only the well known eardrum thefts of the bushist kabul that occupies the so called white house and lord over the people to make life misserable for them.
Anything else you crimminal jap loving lacky, I have very important meeting with Comrades Chavez and Ahmedinejad in the morning.?
Listen everyone, if you haven't already figured out that this blog is a parody and I am really a spy against short little Kim Jong Screw-up, then have another look.
kutabarechosen said... I wanted to write this message to share with all of you how much I love great leader Kim. He is without a doubt greatest leader, musician, father, lover, and professional bowler the world has ever seen and offers much support and inspiration to the great fighting workers of Juche. Together with Kim and our mighty penile swords of justice, truth, and knowledge we shall overcome our great imperialist enemy. Furthermore, with the pride of our Juche comrades and the unfailing financial support of the much-touted North Korean economic machine, we shall overcome the giant farting imperialist donkey. Here in North Korea we live great life. Everyone is happy and content, we all have enough to eat, no one is starving, really no one is starving, everyday there are at least three rainbows (their timing controlled of course not by nature, but by great leader Kim), everyone wears Hawaiian shirts on Fridays, we have nationally mandated vacation days where everyone plays our national sport, bumper bowling, (the sport invented by Great Leader and Savior Kim). My point is is that no one is starving or ever sad in North Korea unlike in imperialist nazi land. Everyone is happy and fulfilled in Great Leader Kim's sensual and loving embrace. He is truly a great lover, poet, and hero and is definitely not exploiting all of us as he spends all of our country's revenue on weapons and aquanet. I swear he is NOT exploiting us. We are all happy, we are all happy, we are all happy.
The nazi party was nominally socialist, in reality socialist in the sence of being only for german society. Hitler was far from socialist, in fact he hated socialism and communism. Also it is a fact of science that hitler=bush.
I am starting to think that our friend the Hero of Mt. Paektu is actually Albert Einstein himself. The reason I say this is because he has more scientific proofs than a science book (undoubtly written by Mr. KimIlSung's neck buddy a.k.a the goiter)
Someone has been here speaking for you....stating scientific facts that are truly fake (not inline w/ the codes you have sent before). I don't know if they actually discovered you but someone is trying to throw us off. We all know that the fat retard that is KimJongIl has the inability to to see past his own nose.
Oh...can you explain something to me: How come all these bad things are happening to North Korea (boats sinking, train wrecks, etc) now? Are they that desperate for cash that they have to either lie and or kill more to get insurance money? How gay does he think he is?
Oh...and to the fake Hero of mt. paektu: we are on to your lies. We also know the response you will give the for the train/ferry wrecks: Something in the lines of eardrums, bush is a retard, scientific facts, juche, songun, KimIlSung, KimJongIl, progressives, blah blah blah. I will not fall for your lies and will not let you ruin the codes sent out by the True Hero of Mt. Paektu.
And why do such know-nothings continue to post on progressive blogs? they are brigands and warmongers that seek to lord over DPRK people. But Dear Leader will stop them with his unimaginable good looks and brilliant guidance. Be warned.
Never said what I drew it with. But if you must know it was Dear Leader photo editor CS3. It was recently invented by Dear Leader in a blatent display of Juche ferver and the diplay of songun politics. DPRK is most technologicaly advanced society on Earth. The west has yet to develpoe powered transportation.
DPRK soldiers stole humanitary food from the trains
True face of America? Really? Just to let you fags know, they took this picture at a Civil War Reenactment. This means they were acting like the soldiers from the past to reteach the lessons that history told us. See...we try to learn from our past...not cry about it everytime we get a chance like you fags do.
....oh...poor me...we got our asses kicked again...oh.....poor me. The whole world is against me because I am Korean. My government lies to us and we are going to believe it cause we are STUPID FUCKS!
Lil'Kim Jong (mentally)Il aka "Chia Pet" with his pathetic army couldn't beat the Army of Northern Virginia.
haha, it's funny how some really believe what you writing
Slave traders? Hahahah...atleast they are not sexist or racist.
1 black dude
1 white dude
1 woman
Dude, if you want to talk shit about us being slave traders, then get a better picture. Damn!
I guess NorKs hate slave traders because they are slaves themselves!
That's just a picture of three Civil War re-enactors. Not the "true" face of America.
Americans truly bad people. Look what lies they even post in writing here.
jeju-do wrote: "Back to the quote, Hero of Mt. Paetku states that socialism takes away your thinking and vital senses. North Korea is a socialist country so therefore by what Hero of Mt. Paetku says, North Koreans had their thinking and vital senses taken away."
I never made this statement. Yet again we have retrograde surrender monkey bush puppets misquoting DPRK patriots and this after a rash of identity theft. This shows us how strong our stand is when such reactionary tactics are undertaken by the mentaly feeble. Yet another victory comrades for Juche science and Songun politics!
Funny how you call America "racist" when you previously refered to as Jews as "filthy." Calling all the practitioners of a certain religion is just as bad as putting people into slavery due to race.
Slavery isn't something that America is proud of. America is not a nation of "racist slave traders." Hell, at least in America, people are allowed to hold those kind of views. In North Korea, anyone who disagrees with Kim Jong dies. That is a violation of human rights, and it is WRONG.
Hero of Mt. Paektu,
It must suck always contradicting yourself. This is due to you speaking w/out thinking. Why do you let KimJongIl and the ruling regime tell you what to think and how to act? There is that one thing called: Freewill
Hero of Mt. Paektu does not contradict himself and again Jejo-do seems to atribute another patriots quote as mine. I therefore am unable to enter into debate with him.
jeju-do wrote: "Back to the quote, Hero of Mt. Paetku states that socialism takes away your thinking and vital senses."
Again, I never said this, so your contention is flawed in the first part.
You again fail to adress you mis-quote, correct yourself or go home you Imperialist, jap loving warmonger.
You are insane, you atribute to me things I did not say, then declare victory.
jeju-do wrote: "Back to the quote, Hero of Mt. Paetku states that socialism takes away your thinking and vital senses."
Again, and for the last I NEVER SAID THIS.
clearly jap loving has taken away your vityal senses and thinking. Now you can quote me you ass.
I must stop posting tonight, it is late here in Habana and we have many meetings in the morning.
A) the reference was to fascists you reactionary tool.
B) I said nothing about eyes only the well known eardrum thefts of the bushist kabul that occupies the so called white house and lord over the people to make life misserable for them.
Anything else you crimminal jap loving lacky, I have very important meeting with Comrades Chavez and Ahmedinejad in the morning.?
Listen everyone, if you haven't already figured out that this blog is a parody and I am really a spy against short little Kim Jong Screw-up, then have another look.
kutabarechosen said...
I wanted to write this message to share with all of you how much I love great leader Kim. He is without a doubt greatest leader, musician, father, lover, and professional bowler the world has ever seen and offers much support and inspiration to the great fighting workers of Juche. Together with Kim and our mighty penile swords of justice, truth, and knowledge we shall overcome our great imperialist enemy. Furthermore, with the pride of our Juche comrades and the unfailing financial support of the much-touted North Korean economic machine, we shall overcome the giant farting imperialist donkey. Here in North Korea we live great life. Everyone is happy and content, we all have enough to eat, no one is starving, really no one is starving, everyday there are at least three rainbows (their timing controlled of course not by nature, but by great leader Kim), everyone wears Hawaiian shirts on Fridays, we have nationally mandated vacation days where everyone plays our national sport, bumper bowling, (the sport invented by Great Leader and Savior Kim). My point is is that no one is starving or ever sad in North Korea unlike in imperialist nazi land. Everyone is happy and fulfilled in Great Leader Kim's sensual and loving embrace. He is truly a great lover, poet, and hero and is definitely not exploiting all of us as he spends all of our country's revenue on weapons and aquanet. I swear he is NOT exploiting us. We are all happy, we are all happy, we are all happy.
Heil Kim!
^ is Hero of Songun.
The nazi party was nominally socialist, in reality socialist in the sence of being only for german society. Hitler was far from socialist, in fact he hated socialism and communism.
Also it is a fact of science that hitler=bush.
I am starting to think that our friend the Hero of Mt. Paektu is actually Albert Einstein himself. The reason I say this is because he has more scientific proofs than a science book (undoubtly written by Mr. KimIlSung's neck buddy a.k.a the goiter)
^ again is Hero of Songun responding to himself.
To the true Hero of mt. paektu,
Someone has been here speaking for you....stating scientific facts that are truly fake (not inline w/ the codes you have sent before). I don't know if they actually discovered you but someone is trying to throw us off. We all know that the fat retard that is KimJongIl has the inability to to see past his own nose.
Oh...can you explain something to me: How come all these bad things are happening to North Korea (boats sinking, train wrecks, etc) now? Are they that desperate for cash that they have to either lie and or kill more to get insurance money? How gay does he think he is?
Oh...and to the fake Hero of mt. paektu: we are on to your lies. We also know the response you will give the for the train/ferry wrecks: Something in the lines of eardrums, bush is a retard, scientific facts, juche, songun, KimIlSung, KimJongIl, progressives, blah blah blah. I will not fall for your lies and will not let you ruin the codes sent out by the True Hero of Mt. Paektu.
Down w/ the Fat Man!!
How is that a contradictios?
And why do such know-nothings continue to post on progressive blogs? they are brigands and warmongers that seek to lord over DPRK people. But Dear Leader will stop them with his unimaginable good looks and brilliant guidance. Be warned.
I drew a picture of jejo-do and am folding it across the face.
^ concludes that Hero of Mt. Paektu is a 9 year old and can only draw stick figures.
Never said what I drew it with. But if you must know it was Dear Leader photo editor CS3. It was recently invented by Dear Leader in a blatent display of Juche ferver and the diplay of songun politics. DPRK is most technologicaly advanced society on Earth. The west has yet to develpoe powered transportation.
And Dear Leader is subject to copyright infringement for plagurism.
This is piss funny.
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