Single-mindedly united as one under the Banner of Songun held aloft by the Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il, brilliant statesman, political genius, and invincible military commander
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
True Face Of Japan
Hahaha... I lived in Japan. Those guys are on the streets because they choose to be. On another note, having been to many countries, the Japanese derilects live in luxery as compared to ones in other countries. And besides Mr Songon blogger, a single picture does not represent the true face of Japan. You have the conclusive skills of a 3 year old.
Comrades, this is further evidence that only Juche and Songun lead to freedom and comfort. This image is unheard of in DPRK where Dear Leader is without peer in humankind history. The revolution in DPRK knows no setbacks and Dear leader is unimaginably intelligent and handsome. Anonymous posters on the otherhand are unintelligent and leed lives filled with setbacks. Even their mommies didn't love them enought to give them a name.
Actually, you do relize that the true face of Japan is one of the riches nations on Earth and that picture could just as well considered the true face of North Korea.
Hero of Mt. Paektu, you most likely read a wikipedia article about communism and now you think your a champion of the worker. The fact of the matter is you know nothing about communism, and nothing about the murderous regime of Kim Jong Il. Your "Dear Leader" has shown much indifference towards his own people which you say he claims to love so much. People are starving in North Korea and you, by spewing out all this communist propaganda are assisting in the starvation of millions of Koreans. How can you sleep at night knowing this. You must be as cold, and devoid of any conscience as Kim Jong 'Mentally' Il.
Excellent work Taegukgi and Hero of Inchon, now allow me enter the fray. Hero of Mt. Paektu and Banner of Songun, how can both of you turn a blind eye to the suffering of Koreans in the North. They are dying by the thousands, and you will excuse the Stalinist regime in Pyongyang for this? How can you say that North Korea is a workers paradise when everyone who has ever escaped from there has said what a dreadful place it is. You probably do not even live in North Korea, so it must be easy for you to sit at your desks and write about the perfection of the DPRK without having to find out what it really is like there.
You know, I find it funny that the only images or footage of a "good" North Korea is always endorsed by North Korea itself or its supporters. I have yet to see a foreigner reveal nice images of North Korea. Oh wait, I forgot. Your miserable North Korean government barely lets anyone in your forsaken country anyway. Before you go posting the "reality" of other countries, post the true reality of lovely, dear North Korea first. You pitiful fool.
face of Japan? How many people have already told you that Japan is one end of the scale while N. Korea is on the other. It would do you so much good to tell the truth about the North. Think of the influence and knowledge you are able to provide to the entire world and even others who are similar to yourself. If you know the truth, tell it. You have a choice now to do the right think and help people you call friend/family/comrade.
Someday we will all be on the same side. Someday we will all enjoy each others company and sit at the same table. Until we can stop talking shit and spreading lies, it won't happen.
Free North Korea so we can all go on w/ our lives. Yes...we care about N. Korea. Yes, we want people there to be free/happy/safe.
The prosperity of a society is proportional to the amount of freedom that they have.
Freedom means no coercion. And coercion (in terms of government) includes things like: compulsory military service, taxes, being forbidden to produce a good or provide a service (anti-competition), and state-run monopolies that force its citizens to only use its version of a product or service.
The key to prosperity is freedom. And that means truly free markets, free association, and freedom to choose where to spend your money (not being forced to spend it through taxes).
Nothing can be more important than ones own life. For if you die for your country, then your country is by definition no longer important to you, because your consciousness has ceased to exist. It is logically impossible to maintain the value of a thing above and beyond the value of your own existence, because when your existence is discarded or sacrificed, you are no longer able to value the thing that you sacrificed your existence for.
Individuals are the foundation of any society. You cannot have a secure and prosperous society without securing the foundation of it first. And the only way to secure the foundation of a society is to put prime importance and sovereignty onto each and every individual, above and beyond the collective nationalist or government values.
Comrade Taegukgi you are wrong, being a victim of the criminal US imperialist propaganda.
No nation is more free in the world than the DPRK under the wise leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Il.
The Constitution of the DPRK grants freedom of speech as a natural human right for all Koreans, how then could there not be freedom of speech in the DPRK?
If you consult the Constitution of the DPRK you will see this to be true.
There was a time however when the Korean people were not free, enslaved by the criminal wicked Jap raectionary militarists who lorded it over the Korean people. But under the wise guidance of the Great Leader Kim Il Sung the Korean people liberated themselves with the Juche Revolution and became the independant great prosperous powerful country of man-centered Juche-based Korean-style socialism.
All world people thus celebrate the DPRK as the homeland of freedom and human rights, castigating the criminal US imperialists as the worst human rights abusers in humankind history.
HAHAHA! DPRK's "Constitution" That document has more holes in it than Swiss Cheese. Banner of Songun, if they people of North Korea are as free as you claim they are, then aren't they free to choose their own leader? Why does the DPRK Constitution call for the sucession of leaders rather than the people choosing who they want to lead them. If people have the freedom of speech why are they required to be apart of the communist party? And if people have freedom why are they prevented from leaving the country if they wish too? Banner of Songun, you are a hypocrit, you spew out communist reteric you probably do not even live in North Korea or any other communist country. Why don't you move to North Korea and experience the governments hospitality?
Comrade Taegukgi and Comrade Hero of Inchon are both delusional and a cure of black pine needle extract would do them well. There are elections in the DPRK and Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il the peerlessly great brilliant Mt. Paektu-type general is the duly elected leader of the people, by the people, and for the people. This is shown here.
Comrade taegukgi that the south Korean "government" "supported" the criminal US imperialist invasion of Iraq is only the proof that it is nothing more than a puppet front of the zionist jews trying to establish the foothold of world conquest in Asia using Korea as a stepping-stone. South Korea has been nothing but a colonial outpost of the zionist in Asia since the days of the criminal jew Syngman Rhee fascist dictatorship. The Songun Blog team of socialist scientific researchers have unhearted proof which will be posted therewith soon, to reveal the true colors of the so called "governement" of Seoul.
Banner of Songun, do you call hereditary succession of a leadership post, a free election? Your propaganda video only proves how dillusional you are. There have been no elections in North Korea. And according to the video you posted, the only one who says there have been is Kim Jong Il. And we all know how honest Kim Jong Il is. Example, during the Clinton administration your "Dear Leader" was given a nuclear reactor. He promised not to enrich uranium to produce nuclear weapons, he then proceeded to ignore this promise, and pursue nuclear weapons anyway. Another example of your leader's honesty is how he continues to promise that food aid sent to the DPRK is going to the common people, when in fact it all goes to the military, and government officials.
What do you mean using Korea as a "stepping stone" to conquer the world? The US has only been working along side with south Korea in all foreign matters such as the Iraq war and going against your Dumb leader kim jong il. The US has no interest in taking over south korea, as it would be losing one of its strongest allies, along with one of its major allies against North Korea itself! However, invading and destroying your pitiful country's government, along with your maniac leader, is a whole other story. So, songun-fool, I suggest you watch out and be on the look out on what the US will do next to your racist, nut-job, demented "leader".
call me comrade Max, i'm totally against war and i hate the fascist imperialist made by US, anyway the fascism still even in your freedomland called DPRK, no more or less than the STalin period in Russia, all the good socialist ideas raped by a sick mind
i don't need to read or to watch to imperialist Televisions or disinformation sites, i just can see what is true or not with my eyes
I feel great sorrow and pain in my heart for Comrade Taeguki and others. You have been posting your western inspired delusions on this site as well as reactionary, counter revolutionary rhetoric. It is an irrefutable fact of science that Songun policy and Juche ideas are the only effective methods of governance and have not known one setback. It is also undeniable that Dear Leader makes love to all the people, Korean or not. Many in the west have been coerced and worse to support the puppet regimes and the Bushist kabul in the so called white house. SUch retrograde and retarded people are deluded to the point of pig dogs. The crimes of the west are well documented buy the progressives and the free media of DPRK. I recomend the KCNA site for unbiased reporting of the truth. And lastly, because true progressive thinking people are united as one under the banner of Songun and through juche does not mean only one person is posting on this blog.
I have never felt more ill reading these western inspired lies and propaganda. Unfortunatly these western idealogs lack proper mental hygiene. All DPRK people are free to choose thier leadership. The people of DPRK are the leadership. The people are united as one in a revolutionary fervor, united in Juche spirit under the brilliant leadership of thier chosen leader the peerlessly brilliant Dear Leader and the eternal Geat Leader. DPRK is a true socialist state where the people have all the power and share the nations wealth and industy. Dear Leader is a representitive of all the people. The people stay in DPRK because to go elswhere would subject them to the degradations of the poor souls living in the west. As for talk of south Fake Korea feeding the DPRK and Clinton "Giving" a nuclear reactor to DPRK you have been mis-informed. The rice from the south is tibute rice given to DPRK for it's protection of the south from the wicked jap reactionaries. The issue of the reactor is comical. It is a fact of science that DPRK technology is vastly superior to the west. The US offered this inferior reactor for DPRK scientists to study and improve so the US will have no further Three Mile Island incidents.
On the contrary comrade, all who yearn to be free can do so buy applying Juche thought and actions. The people of DPRK hope some day that the world will come to know the freedom we in DPRK experience daily through the loving and humanitarian leadership of Dear Leader, the peerlessly brillian lode star of all humankind. We in the DPRK have known not even one setback under Dear Leader.
We in the DPRK have known not even one setback under Dear Leader.
That's because Kim lies to you. He wants you to believe that your system has no setbacks. The "setbacks" of the system are all around you!
Open your eyes and your mind. The North Korean people are suffering, yet Kim Jong tells them that they have a great life. He claims that the living conditions of the country are fantastic; in comparison to other countries with stable governments like the US, Canada, and most of Western Europe, the living conditions of North Korea are bad.
Your "free elections?" When was the last election? Who ran against Kim Jong? No one! Not because no one wants to run against him because he's a "great leader," but because anyone who would try would be kidnapped, and any news of the plans would be kept from the masses.
Lies, lies, lies. You are a brigandly coward that knows no bounds in your slanderous and treasonous remarks. You also have yet to post a coherent statement.
Hahaha... I lived in Japan. Those guys are on the streets because they choose to be. On another note, having been to many countries, the Japanese derilects live in luxery as compared to ones in other countries. And besides Mr Songon blogger, a single picture does not represent the true face of Japan. You have the conclusive skills of a 3 year old.
Comrades, this is further evidence that only Juche and Songun lead to freedom and comfort. This image is unheard of in DPRK where Dear Leader is without peer in humankind history. The revolution in DPRK knows no setbacks and Dear leader is unimaginably intelligent and handsome.
Anonymous posters on the otherhand are unintelligent and leed lives filled with setbacks. Even their mommies didn't love them enought to give them a name.
Beware! A spammer is on the loose! Probably an Nip fascist-imperialist.
Hail Juche!
Actually, you do relize that the true face of Japan is one of the riches nations on Earth and that picture could just as well considered the true face of North Korea.
Hero of Mt. Paektu, you most likely read a wikipedia article about communism and now you think your a champion of the worker. The fact of the matter is you know nothing about communism, and nothing about the murderous regime of Kim Jong Il. Your "Dear Leader" has shown much indifference towards his own people which you say he claims to love so much. People are starving in North Korea and you, by spewing out all this communist propaganda are assisting in the starvation of millions of Koreans. How can you sleep at night knowing this. You must be as cold, and devoid of any conscience as Kim Jong 'Mentally' Il.
Excellent work Taegukgi and Hero of Inchon, now allow me enter the fray. Hero of Mt. Paektu and Banner of Songun, how can both of you turn a blind eye to the suffering of Koreans in the North. They are dying by the thousands, and you will excuse the Stalinist regime in Pyongyang for this? How can you say that North Korea is a workers paradise when everyone who has ever escaped from there has said what a dreadful place it is. You probably do not even live in North Korea, so it must be easy for you to sit at your desks and write about the perfection of the DPRK without having to find out what it really is like there.
You know, I find it funny that the only images or footage of a "good" North Korea is always endorsed by North Korea itself or its supporters. I have yet to see a foreigner reveal nice images of North Korea. Oh wait, I forgot. Your miserable North Korean government barely lets anyone in your forsaken country anyway. Before you go posting the "reality" of other countries, post the true reality of lovely, dear North Korea first. You pitiful fool.
face of Japan? How many people have already told you that Japan is one end of the scale while N. Korea is on the other. It would do you so much good to tell the truth about the North. Think of the influence and knowledge you are able to provide to the entire world and even others who are similar to yourself. If you know the truth, tell it. You have a choice now to do the right think and help people you call friend/family/comrade.
Someday we will all be on the same side. Someday we will all enjoy each others company and sit at the same table. Until we can stop talking shit and spreading lies, it won't happen.
Free North Korea so we can all go on w/ our lives. Yes...we care about N. Korea. Yes, we want people there to be free/happy/safe.
at least that guy is arrived at the age of 4x?
The prosperity of a society is proportional to the amount of freedom that they have.
Freedom means no coercion. And coercion (in terms of government) includes things like: compulsory military service, taxes, being forbidden to produce a good or provide a service (anti-competition), and state-run monopolies that force its citizens to only use its version of a product or service.
The key to prosperity is freedom. And that means truly free markets, free association, and freedom to choose where to spend your money (not being forced to spend it through taxes).
Nothing can be more important than ones own life. For if you die for your country, then your country is by definition no longer important to you, because your consciousness has ceased to exist. It is logically impossible to maintain the value of a thing above and beyond the value of your own existence, because when your existence is discarded or sacrificed, you are no longer able to value the thing that you sacrificed your existence for.
Individuals are the foundation of any society. You cannot have a secure and prosperous society without securing the foundation of it first. And the only way to secure the foundation of a society is to put prime importance and sovereignty onto each and every individual, above and beyond the collective nationalist or government values.
Comrade Aaron Kinney why do you hate freedom?
Comrade Taegukgi you are wrong, being a victim of the criminal US imperialist propaganda.
No nation is more free in the world than the DPRK under the wise leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Il.
The Constitution of the DPRK grants freedom of speech as a natural human right for all Koreans, how then could there not be freedom of speech in the DPRK?
If you consult the Constitution of the DPRK you will see this to be true.
There was a time however when the Korean people were not free, enslaved by the criminal wicked Jap raectionary militarists who lorded it over the Korean people. But under the wise guidance of the Great Leader Kim Il Sung the Korean people liberated themselves with the Juche Revolution and became the independant great prosperous powerful country of man-centered Juche-based Korean-style socialism.
All world people thus celebrate the DPRK as the homeland of freedom and human rights, castigating the criminal US imperialists as the worst human rights abusers in humankind history.
HAHAHA! DPRK's "Constitution" That document has more holes in it than Swiss Cheese. Banner of Songun, if they people of North Korea are as free as you claim they are, then aren't they free to choose their own leader? Why does the DPRK Constitution call for the sucession of leaders rather than the people choosing who they want to lead them. If people have the freedom of speech why are they required to be apart of the communist party? And if people have freedom why are they prevented from leaving the country if they wish too? Banner of Songun, you are a hypocrit, you spew out communist reteric you probably do not even live in North Korea or any other communist country. Why don't you move to North Korea and experience the governments hospitality?
Comrade Taegukgi and Comrade Hero of Inchon are both delusional and a cure of black pine needle extract would do them well. There are elections in the DPRK and Dear Leader Comrade Generalissimo Kim Jong Il the peerlessly great brilliant Mt. Paektu-type general is the duly elected leader of the people, by the people, and for the people. This is shown here.
Comrade taegukgi that the south Korean "government" "supported" the criminal US imperialist invasion of Iraq is only the proof that it is nothing more than a puppet front of the zionist jews trying to establish the foothold of world conquest in Asia using Korea as a stepping-stone. South Korea has been nothing but a colonial outpost of the zionist in Asia since the days of the criminal jew Syngman Rhee fascist dictatorship. The Songun Blog team of socialist scientific researchers have unhearted proof which will be posted therewith soon, to reveal the true colors of the so called "governement" of Seoul.
Banner of Songun, do you call hereditary succession of a leadership post, a free election? Your propaganda video only proves how dillusional you are. There have been no elections in North Korea. And according to the video you posted, the only one who says there have been is Kim Jong Il. And we all know how honest Kim Jong Il is. Example, during the Clinton administration your "Dear Leader" was given a nuclear reactor. He promised not to enrich uranium to produce nuclear weapons, he then proceeded to ignore this promise, and pursue nuclear weapons anyway. Another example of your leader's honesty is how he continues to promise that food aid sent to the DPRK is going to the common people, when in fact it all goes to the military, and government officials.
What do you mean using Korea as a "stepping stone" to conquer the world? The US has only been working along side with south Korea in all foreign matters such as the Iraq war and going against your Dumb leader kim jong il. The US has no interest in taking over south korea, as it would be losing one of its strongest allies, along with one of its major allies against North Korea itself! However, invading and destroying your pitiful country's government, along with your maniac leader, is a whole other story. So, songun-fool, I suggest you watch out and be on the look out on what the US will do next to your racist, nut-job, demented "leader".
Comrade Taegukgi your obsessional anti-semitism is showing.
And how could you construde that it is not factual truth. Was Syngman Rhee not a puppet dictator put in place by the criminal US imperialists?
Was lebanon not invaded by Jews under the signboard of a campaign against "terrorism"?
When did you and reality part ways, Comrade Taegukgi?
We bet you even deny the Gwanju Massacre.
call me comrade Max,
i'm totally against war and i hate the fascist imperialist made by US, anyway the fascism still even in your freedomland called DPRK, no more or less than the STalin period in Russia, all the good socialist ideas raped by a sick mind
i don't need to read or to watch to imperialist Televisions or disinformation sites, i just can see what is true or not with my eyes
"The people were tired of dictatorship and so violently protested."
Aha! Even you admit the south Korean people live under the brutal fascist dictatorship. Comrade taegukgi there is hope yet for you.
I feel great sorrow and pain in my heart for Comrade Taeguki and others. You have been posting your western inspired delusions on this site as well as reactionary, counter revolutionary rhetoric. It is an irrefutable fact of science that Songun policy and Juche ideas are the only effective methods of governance and have not known one setback. It is also undeniable that Dear Leader makes love to all the people, Korean or not. Many in the west have been coerced and worse to support the puppet regimes and the Bushist kabul in the so called white house. SUch retrograde and retarded people are deluded to the point of pig dogs. The crimes of the west are well documented buy the progressives and the free media of DPRK. I recomend the KCNA site for unbiased reporting of the truth. And lastly, because true progressive thinking people are united as one under the banner of Songun and through juche does not mean only one person is posting on this blog.
It is also undeniable that Dear Leader makes love to all the people, Korean or not.
So. Kimmy has sex with you at night? That does explain some things. :P
I have never felt more ill reading these western inspired lies and propaganda. Unfortunatly these western idealogs lack proper mental hygiene. All DPRK people are free to choose thier leadership. The people of DPRK are the leadership. The people are united as one in a revolutionary fervor, united in Juche spirit under the brilliant leadership of thier chosen leader the peerlessly brilliant Dear Leader and the eternal Geat Leader.
DPRK is a true socialist state where the people have all the power and share the nations wealth and industy. Dear Leader is a representitive of all the people.
The people stay in DPRK because to go elswhere would subject them to the degradations of the poor souls living in the west.
As for talk of south Fake Korea feeding the DPRK and Clinton "Giving" a nuclear reactor to DPRK you have been mis-informed. The rice from the south is tibute rice given to DPRK for it's protection of the south from the wicked jap reactionaries. The issue of the reactor is comical. It is a fact of science that DPRK technology is vastly superior to the west. The US offered this inferior reactor for DPRK scientists to study and improve so the US will have no further Three Mile Island incidents.
On the contrary comrade, all who yearn to be free can do so buy applying Juche thought and actions. The people of DPRK hope some day that the world will come to know the freedom we in DPRK experience daily through the loving and humanitarian leadership of Dear Leader, the peerlessly brillian lode star of all humankind. We in the DPRK have known not even one setback under Dear Leader.
The Kim's are your setback!
We in the DPRK have known not even one setback under Dear Leader.
That's because Kim lies to you. He wants you to believe that your system has no setbacks. The "setbacks" of the system are all around you!
Open your eyes and your mind. The North Korean people are suffering, yet Kim Jong tells them that they have a great life. He claims that the living conditions of the country are fantastic; in comparison to other countries with stable governments like the US, Canada, and most of Western Europe, the living conditions of North Korea are bad.
Your "free elections?" When was the last election? Who ran against Kim Jong? No one! Not because no one wants to run against him because he's a "great leader," but because anyone who would try would be kidnapped, and any news of the plans would be kept from the masses.
Your leader is a cruel liar.
Lies, lies, lies. You are a brigandly coward that knows no bounds in your slanderous and treasonous remarks. You also have yet to post a coherent statement.
This is a family picture of jeju-do.
Someone's mad. LOL.
Hero of Mt. Paektu got pwned.
it doesn't show a single face of Japan.
it shows the face of 1 man.
Its like saying the most evil Kim is your typical North Korean. Not true, I'm sure most North Koreans have more respect and thanks for allies China.
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