The racist filthy Jews championing the cause of capitalist aggression in the Middle-East under the false pretense of combatting "terrorism" are running amok with the invasion of Lebanon in pursuit of the progressive human-rights advocacy group Hezbollah, committing the egrerious war crimes against humanity such as stealing Lebanese children's eardrums and tastebuds to make cookies to push the situation to a brink at the behest of the criminal Us imperialists and with the complicity of the wicked Japs. This situation is vehemently denounced by a DPRK independant progressive human-rights advocacy group reports Xinhua :
Thus all world progressives join their voices together calling for the Jews to end and the Bush war criminal to be convicted of war crimes against humanity by the International Crimes Court at no delay and thus ensure world peace.

Jew aggression revealed
DPRK calls on international investigation into civilian killings in Lebanon
PYONGYANG, Aug 17 (Xinhua) -- A human rights group of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Thursday accused Israel of causing a humanitarian disaster in Lebanon during the 34-day-old war and called for a full-scale investigation.
"The recent Israeli military invasion of Lebanon claimed the lives of many innocent civilians and violated human rights," said a statement issued by the DPRK Association for Human Rights Studies (AHRS).
The statement accused Israel of killing dozens of civilians in Lebanon, saying "the infringement upon [a nation's] sovereignty and the mass killings of civilians by a war of aggression are the biggest human rights abuses recognized by the international law."
"It is the top priority of the international community to make a thorough investigation into the case and punish the chief criminals responsible for the crisis in Lebanon," it said.
The statement also slammed the United States for adopting double standards on human rights.
"The U.S. has revealed its true colors... by positively encouraging Israel in the aggression on Lebanon and the mass killings of civilians," said the statement.
Thus all world progressives join their voices together calling for the Jews to end and the Bush war criminal to be convicted of war crimes against humanity by the International Crimes Court at no delay and thus ensure world peace.

Jew aggression revealed
Because nooby wannabe north korea doesnt have pro photoshop in their fucking country. And they dont even know what it is.
Look at this Jackass. Taegukgi is sooooo correct. The whole world is taking shots at Adnan Hajj for manipulating these photos and this idiot posted it as "proof".
Human rights? Where does N. Korea get the right to say anything about Human Rights? Jews? You hate the jews? Again....didn't you claim that Dr. Albert Einstein is a professor at KIS University?
I am sure the Israeli Army did something that was not exactly par w/ the rules of engagement but lets not point fingers while you sit there and spread lies while innocent North Koreans are being killed just for trying to FIND FOOD!!
Taegukgi is an imperialist spy who is bankrolled by the Nips. Ignore his trite, childish remarks, comrades.
Hail Kim Jongil!
Nice comeback... You have committed the intelligence attack fallacey. Well done... I'm sure you can beat my little brother in an argument.
I find it interesting that Songunblog deleted my comment about the anti-semitic component of DPRK propaganda. My comment was that it is ironic the DPRK has anti-semitism built into its propaganda, given that the origin of that precise propaganda is Czarist Russia. The Czar developed a conspiracy theory about Jews controlling the world (i.e. "The Elders of Zion) as a ploy to defeat the Bolsheviks in Russia. DPRK uses anti-socialist propaganda to control its people.
Maybe it's not so ironic. It appears that the DPRK is not a true socialist state; rather, it exists solely to support the regime of one single family, the Kims.
I also mentioned that it's troubling that the DPRK and the Islamist and non-democratic countries of the Middle East employ the same propaganda about Jews. It might be that these anti-American regimes will one day build an alliance by using anti-semitism as common ground. It's more specific than anti-Americanism, and is therefore easier to develop propaganda about it. Already the DPRK is known to collaborate with Iran on nuclear weapons development.
How can a communist government be concerned with human rights when it produces videos that proclaim that their nation is more important than the individual citizens lives?
I would like to see the "DPRK Association for Human Rights Studies" investigate the DPRK stance that its own citizens lives arent as important, individually, as the collective nation.
I would like to see the "DPRK Association for Human Rights Studies" investigate the DPRK's prison camps.
I would like to see the "DPRK Association for Human Rights Studies" investigate the kidnapping of Japanese and South Korean citizens by the DPRK.
All governments are evil. They violate the most fundamental "human right": the right of consent. That includes the United States government, the Israeli government, and the North Korean government, and every other government in existence.
The evil of a government is equivalent to its pervasiveness in the citizens lives. Looks like the DPRK is simply a pot calling the kettle black.
Songun do you love the dear leader of North Korea?
I'm veeeeery glad to find this great blog!!
I hope you write new article about a successor to Songun.
Which sons are being thought the successor in your country?
I want a successor being Kim Jong-nam.
He is not only 冷奴 "cool guy" but also otaku.
usa = israel = iran = dprk = shit
equality is good
think in this way
'Human rights group in DPRK' makes as much sense as "Jewish group in Nazi Germany".
Lenin spent his life combating anti-semitism, and then you come out and talk about "jew aggression." The DPRK is not a socialist country and neither are you. At best the DPRK is a backwards feudal theocracy.
Nice photoshop job you have there. lol
North Korea is going down. It might have started on principles that seemed sound enough.
But what Europe learnt from the two wars is that Nationalism and Facism are two dangerous forces.
It seems like China, North Korea has given up on its socialist principles and is now obsessed with power and fighting.
Private businesses now exist, why? Doesn't that contradict your society. No, because North Korea is about being nasty to its own and others.
The author is a blindman that hasn't realised the wool has been pulled over him. But perhaps he should just accept that he doesn't know enough about the rest of the world to comment on it.
This guy writes for Saturday Night Live, right? Right?
John Pangia at Exit 4
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